The slab is a area in which you can create a Horror Story.
Release the Stephen King that we all have inside of us...

To add your paragraphs to the story
You must email it to Red.
I will make sure that it gets added  each night.
Be patient with me it is hard working with dead.

Now on to the Story


It was a rainy night again in Seattle, this time of year was depressing.
I only wanted sunshine for one day. That day turned out to be a
terrible begining to the end of a normal life for me as I knew it . Me,
Darrel Sparks a simple guy, go to work come home, watch tv. Not much excitement
there. I was dieing for some fun. But fun, you see, is not exactly what I received.
Well, we did finally get a break from the terrible
rains. On the afternoon of September 28th  a terrible jail break occured.
The guards where over run with prisoners and lost their keys and guns.
The prisoners took control and escaped in droves. A total of 45 convicted
criminals were lose on the streets. God knows what some of them were in
for. One in particular Jean Watson was lose. He killed his  whole family
by poisioning them. He sat back and watched as they died at the table.
He then dragged all there bodies out to backyard and buried them there.
His wife and 2 kids, plus his mother-in-law. He was the worst of the escapees.
This guy gave me the creeps. I watched the whole trial and he was unchanged
by anything. He had a dull facial expression the whole trial. Very spooky looking character.

Three days past now since the escape took place and 43 of the escapees have
been found and turned back into custody. However, Jean Watson was not one of them.
Him and a guy named Johnny Biggs were still on the lose. I looked up this Johnny Biggs
character. He was not much better then Watson. He killed a store owner and his wife in
an armed robbery. He showed no remorse at his trial either. Both these guys where on
death row together.Where they friends? Man I hope they catch them. There are enough
crazies running around Seattle as it  is. This is the last thing they need two men with
blood soaked pasts and not enough of a conscience  to know it was wrong to kill.........

Now it is your turn. You need 3 paragraphs to add to this.
I will add them to it  and lets see where this leads.

Will Seattle ever be the same again!
What will happen to Darrel?
You decide.

back door

Last updated, Friday, October 13th,2000